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Please be aware TAFE Queensland's contact centres will be closed from 1pm (AEST) Friday 14 February for scheduled system updates, and will reopen on 9am, (AEST) Monday 17 February. Our campuses are still open, check for opening hours, or get in touch via email.

779 Health and safety policy

TAFE Queensland is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment for all people who work, study, visit our campuses or have the potential to be affected by our activities. TAFE Queensland will strive for Zero Harm at Work, meaning 'no harm to anyone, any time while at work'.

Provides TAFE Queensland with a policy position for management of work, health and safety.

Policy Intent

TAFE Queensland is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment for all people who work, study, visit a campus, or have the potential to be affected by TAFE Queensland's activities. TAFE Queensland will strive towards Safety Leadership, meaning 'everybody safe at work'.

Policy Principles

Principle 1: TAFE Queensland is committed to developing and maintaining strong work, health and safety systems to ensure the health and safety of its staff, students, and clients, supported by well-defined and measurable targets and outcomes.

Principle 2: TAFE Queensland will work towards minimising work, health and safety risks and hazards, and eliminating work-related incidents, injury and illness.

Principle 3: TAFE Queensland will have a continuous improvement approach to work, health and safety.


The Chief Human Resources Officer is accountable for ensuring the management and maintenance of this policy, including ensuring its continued appropriateness to the business, compliance with legislation and external requirements, and periodic review.

TAFE Queensland Executives are responsible for managing work, health and safety under the terms of this policy.

This policy applies to:

  • Board
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Corporate office staff
  • Regional staff
  • Students

4.1 TAFE Queensland will establish and maintain a Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment (PDF, 185KB), authorised by the TAFE Queensland Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

4.2 TAFE Queensland's Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment (PDF, 185KB) will:

  • Be appropriate to the nature and scale of TAFE Queensland's risks;
  • Commit to principles for the management of TAFE Queensland's WHS responsibilities;
  • Be communicated to TAFE Queensland staff, and made available to third parties; and
  • Be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to TAFE Queensland.

Induction and Training:

4.3 TAFE Queensland will provide appropriate information, instruction, and training to equip employees, students, contractors, volunteers, and visitors with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet their WHS responsibilities.


4.4 TAFE Queensland will provide resources for the responsible fulfilment of its WHS responsibilities.

Identification and Management of Work, Health and Safety Risks and Hazards:

4.5 TAFE Queensland will identify WHS risks and hazards associated with the activities of the organisation. All risks and hazards will be mitigated and where possible eliminated.

4.6 TAFE Queensland will ensure WHS incidents are recorded, notified, and managed appropriately and within specified timeframes.

Continuous Improvement:

4.7 The performance of TAFE Queensland's work, health and safety management systems (WHSMS) will be reviewed by the TAFE Queensland Executive and TAFE Queensland Board to ensure:

  • WHS is an integral part of business planning, operations and service delivery;
  • TAFE Queensland as a PCBU meets and exceeds its WHS legislative duties, obligations, and best practice standard requirements;
  • Appropriate resources are allocated and used for WHS;
  • Staff at all levels meet and work towards exceeding their accountabilities and responsibilities for WHS; and
  • Leadership and commitment to WHS is demonstrated throughout TAFE Queensland.

4.8 An annual review of TAFE Queensland's WHSMS will evaluate the overall performance of the WHSMS, the effectiveness of controls, compliance with WHS objectives and targets, and relevant legislation in order to ensure the ongoing suitability and effectiveness of the WHSMS.

4.9 A combination of lag and lead indicators will be used to facilitate measurement and analysis of WHS and business performance across all levels of TAFE Queensland.

4.10 Outcomes of the annual review will be incorporated into the TAFE Queensland's business planning strategies.

Work Health and Safety Responsibilities:

Chief Executive Officer:

4.11 Responsible for:

  1. Ensuring that TAFE Queensland complies with all legislative requirements, relevant standards and codes, and TAFE Queensland's WHSMS and WHS responsibilities;
  2. Providing leadership and support for the promotion and ongoing effective management of WHS programs throughout TAFE Queensland;.
  3. Ensuring processes are established for receiving, considering and responding to WHS information in a timely manner;
  4. Ensuring systems are in place that allow effective management of WHS, including integrating WHS objectives and targets into business planning; and
  5. Monitoring and evaluating WHS performance in accordance with TAFE Queensland's objectives and targets to determine areas of success and to identify activities requiring corrective action and improvement.

Chief Human Resources Officer:

4.12 Responsible for:

  1. Providing a strategic focus for WHS management;
  2. Ensuring consistency with legislation, directives and corporate direction;
  3. Stating clearly defined work, health and safety roles and responsibilities for all employees;
  4. Communicating and consulting throughout TAFE Queensland for WHS matters;
  5. Coordinating and assisting in the development of action plans to facilitate effective implementation of the WHSMS through a formal annual review of WHSMS activities, including the collection of relevant information and data including:
    1. Internal and external WHSMS audit and workplace inspection findings/outcomes;
    2. Key WHS issues and risks identified in the consolidates TAFE Queensland Risk Profile;
    3. Hazard and incident data and investigation findings/outcomes; and
    4. Outcomes and status of improvement actions/controls recommended in previous WHSMS review activities;
  6. Documenting and communicating the review to relevant persons;
  7. Utilising the review outcomes to inform the continual improvement of the WHSMS;
  8. Providing early and effective injury management and rehabilitation to all employees;
  9. Ensuring the effective measurement and periodic review of TAFE Queensland's WHSMS through reporting WHS performance to the CEO and Board through the:
    1. Establishment and maintenance of a planning framework for the implementation and continual improvement of TAFE Queensland's WHSMS;
    2. Establishment of objectives, targets and performance indicators supported by WHSMS management plans to assist in their achievement;
    3. Regular identification, assessment and control of WHS hazards, risks and related legal requirements in accordance with relevant WHS standards and procedures;
    4. Design and implementation of contingency plans specific to foreseeable emergency situations (e.g. first aid, evacuation and recovery); and
    5. Planning to ensure corrective actions are selected and taken following incidents or breakdown in system activities and requirements;
  10. Including the WHS framework and the Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment (PDF, 185KB) in induction training material;
  11. Ensuring the Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment (PDF, 185KB) is displayed within the workplace (i.e. intranet or Safety Noticeboards); and
  12. Approving policies and procedures to support the overall framework for managing WHS within TAFE Queensland.


4.13 Responsible for:

  1. Ensuring safety at all TAFE Queensland sites under their management and control;
  2. Participating in the review of TAFE Queensland's WHSMS in accordance with this policy and related procedures;
  3. Coordinating and assisting in the development of local action plans to facilitate effective implementation of the WHSMS through a formal annual review of WHSMS activities including the collection of relevant information and data including
    1. Internal and external WHSMS audit and workplace inspection findings/outcomes;
    2. Key WHS issues and risks identified in the Regional Risk Register;
    3. Hazard and incident data and investigation findings/outcomes; and
    4. Outcomes and status of improvement actions/controls recommended in previous WHSMS review activities;
    5. Documenting and communicating the review to relevant persons; and
    6. Utilising the review outcomes to inform the continual improvement of the WHSMS;
  4. Ensuring the Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment (PDF, 185KB) is displayed within the workplace (i.e. Intranet or Safety Noticeboards);
  5. Incorporating WHS strategies in accordance with TAFE Queensland's objectives and targets in local business plans;
  6. Participating in monitoring and review of activities aimed at evaluating and improving the effectiveness of TAFE Queensland's WHSMS; and
  7. Demonstrating a commitment to WHS by providing assistance and support on all relevant WHS activities and initiatives.


4.14 Responsible for:

  1. Ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable that all including staff, students, contractors and visitors are, whilst at work, safe from injury and risks to health;
  2. Promoting and nurturing a WHS culture as a core value that empowers staff through visible leadership and proactive WHS strategies;
  3. Communicating the WHS framework, including the Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment (PDF, 185KB), to all staff through team meetings;
  4. Providing safe working conditions and incorporating a risk management approach to WHS;
  5. Identifying all work health and safety hazards, assessing related risks, and implementing control measures to eliminate or minimise the risks;
  6. Encouraging and respecting all workers involvement in the continual improvement of WHS through effective consultation in the workplace; and
  7. Conducting WHS inspections and regularly reviewing performance through a continuous improvement approach to WHS.


4.15 Responsible for:

  1. Conducting activities and behaving in a manner which does not compromise the health and safety of themselves and others;
  2. Complying with all legislative requirements, relevant standards and codes, and TAFE Queensland's WHSMS and WHS responsibilities;
  3. Participating in the management of health and safety activities, including consultation processes that promote a healthy and safe working environment;
  4. Encouraging other workers, students, and third parties to act in a healthy and safe way;
  5. Reporting all hazards, incidents and issues immediately and assisting in monitoring of the work environment;
  6. Participating in ongoing training and instruction; and
  7. Using the safety equipment and personal protective equipment provided.


A person who has responsibility for the activity being performed or the area the activity is occurring in including senior Executive, Executive Directors, and Directors.


A person who makes, or participates in making decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the organisation's activities. A TAFE Queensland Officer has been defined as members of the TAFE Queensland Board, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Finance Officer (CFO), Chief Academic Officer (CAO), Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) and the Chief Information Officer (CIO).

Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU):

A person conducting a business or undertaking alone or with others, whether or not for profit or gain. A PCBU can be a sole trader (e.g. a self-employed person), a partnership, company, unincorporated associated or a government department of public authority (including a municipal council). Specific to TAFE Queensland, a PCBU includes TAFE Queensland operating as a statutory body as well as other PCBUs interacting with or engaged by TAFE Queensland such as, but not limited to independent contractors, manufactures, designers and suppliers.

WHS Management System (WHSMS):

That part of the overall management system which includes organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the WHS policy, and so managing the WHS risks associated with the business of TAFE Queensland.

Work, Health Safety and Wellbeing Statement of Commitment:

A general statement of management's intent and expectation on the importance of WHS for TAFE Queensland.

No ifs. No butts.

It's time to clear the air.

All TAFE Queensland campuses are now smoke free.