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Course types

We offer a full range of nationally-recognised qualifications from entry-level certificates through to degrees. We also offer comprehensive trade training from beginner to advanced levels.

A TAFE Queensland childcare student working with a child


Get job-ready skills to enter the workforce

Certificate courses are designed to give you hands-on skills and introductory theory that will equip you to confidently seek employment in your chosen industry.

Photograph of nurse Anne-Hoyoake


Upgrade your skills and enhance your career

Diploma-level courses are more in depth and are perfect if you want to advance your career, build on your existing skills, or prepare for university study. 

Photograph of Civil Engineering CE Andrew Ric Hanson

Degrees and higher-level courses

Degrees made greater

Go further with practical, flexible and industry-aligned degree and higher-level courses. Study in our signature hands-on style and get a job-ready edge in industries that demand it.

Photograph of student completely trade qualifications with practical training

Trade qualifications

Take control of your future with certified trade training

A trade qualification will set you up for life with the hands-on skills and experience you need to carve out a future as a tradesperson. We offer full trade qualifications as well as licence training requirements and skill sets to keep you up-to-date and on top of your industry, no matter which stage of your career you're in.

Photograph of laptop with coloured screen glow

Short courses and micro-credentials

Try something new or build on your existing skills with a short course. Our short courses run from a few hours to six months in length. From hobby courses to professional development and skill sets to licences, there's an option to suit your needs.

Pathways to university

Make an impact no matter which path you take. If you didn’t finish Year 12, complete the required prerequisites, or get the selection rank you needed there are a range of pathways that will open the door to a uni degree.