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Back to Work

Supporting the Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032: Good people. Good jobs.

Along with the Queensland Skills Strategy 2024-2028: Good jobs, Great Training (putting TAFE at the heart of the training system).

The Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET)  works in partnership with TAFE Queensland to deliver the Back to Work program.

Back to Work offers support for eligible jobseekers who need to update their skills to gain or retain employment. The program provides an opportunity for jobseekers and those at risk of unemployment to upskill and retrain for jobs to keep pace with a changing Queensland economy. 


Back to Work Jobseeker officers

Back to Work Jobseeker Officers are based within TAFE Queensland across the state, and their role is to support jobseekers to identify and connect with training and skills development linked to local employment. 

Jobseeker Officers work in collaboration with employers, service providers and community representatives to assist in building regional employment solutions that meeting both current and emerging needs.

Unique services provided by Jobseeker Officers include provision of tailored career advice to help find a suitable job in your region, one-on-one support to identify individual skills and services required to transition you to employment, including navigation of the training and funding system. Eligible jobseekers may be able to access funding to bridge the gap to sustainable employment.

Support for Jobseekers

Back to Work initiatives

Back to Work provides a range of intensive support to Queensland jobseekers who also identify as one (or more) of the following: young people (15-24 years), long term unemployed people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people, and people with a disability.

Back to Work C3G Plus funding provides eligible jobseekers with a true second chance at accessing subsidised training, aligned with local jobs.

The Jobseeker Support Pool assists eligible Queensland jobseekers to access funding that bridges the gap to sustainable employment.

The Back to Work Youth Team provides assistance to young people (aged 15-24) to access additional funds for short courses and support services. Including referrals from Link & Launch.

Developed in partnership with the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET) and TAFE Queensland. Back to Work's short courses equip you with additional skills as a jobseeker. These extra skills and know-how will build your confidence and help you to gain employment.

Developed in partnership with the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET) and TAFE Queensland. Back to Work's short courses equip you with additional skills as a business owner/operator and manager. These extra skills and know-how will build your confidence and workplace culture and help you to retain your employees.

The Jobseeker Support Pool is seeking expressions of interest from eligible training providers who offer short courses across a range of study areas. To become a preferred supplier, apply here for consideration.

The Back to Work employer support program is delivered by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET). Support payments of up to $20,000 are available for eligible employers who hire unemployed Queenslanders. The Small Business Support Pool is available to employers who have been approved for the Back to Work Incentive Payment and need further assistance to support and retain their employees.

Tailored assistance is available through The Harrison Tool for Employee Retention to support Queensland employers to retain their employees.  

Read our case study to see how TAFE Queensland’s Back to Work Jobseeker Officers utilise their regional knowledge and industry connections to provide one-on-one support to Queensland jobseekers, connecting them to training and local employment.

Getting up to go to work everyday is one of the greatest joys in James Kreppold’s life and one that the newly employed retail worker will never take for granted. 

For as long as he could remember, Stanley Harlen had a dream to share his love of music with young people. After a medical diagnosis and a long journey of self-discovery, the 34-year-old has now achieved his dream and is using his skills and life experience to help young people reach for the stars.